Compared to more traditional industrial robots, advanced robotss are not only extremely smaller and lighter but are also designed to work together with people. This means that they do not need fences or protective cages: thanks to the advanced safety natives, the use of advanced sensors and advanced programming, in fact, the advanced robotss respect safety distances between themselves and between people, slowing down to the operator enters the area of action and becomes immobilized at the slightest contact. Stopping times and distances are programmable and customizable, thus ensuring maximum operational flexibility. This allows this type of solution to perform even very complex tasks, interacting with human colleagues in complete safety advanced robotic kits.
Much more than just a robot arm
The advanced robots design philosophy? The development of real mechanical arms, robotized and highly articulated: today, in fact, the aim is to use ball joints, which allow maximum freedom of movement with respect to the rotation of the axes.
Among the most interesting innovations in the field of advanced robots, a special mention goes to the e-Series produced by Universal Robots, which offers absolute modularity in terms of components and software. The advantage? Depending on the application scope, advanced robotss can perform from one to many different tasks.
The armed arm of robotics
From 2008 (the year of its foundation) to today, Universal Robots has become a leader in collaborative robotics, with over 31,000 advanced robotss sold worldwide and a market share of 60%. The Danish company, of which Tenenga is a distributor in Italy, holds over 65 patents, with various international awards in the field of robot programming but also safety: its advanced robotss, in fact, are TUV NORD certified according to the ISO standard. 10218-1, with safety functions classified Cat 3 PLd in accordance with ISO 13849-1.
UR3 weighs only 11 kilograms and offers a 3kg payload on the wrist, and there are two other larger models with a 5kg and 10kg payload on the wrist. The strength of this advanced robots is that, despite having small dimensions, can perform various types of duties. Depending on the selected terminal module, for example, it is possible:
remove the injection molded parts from the molds
screw or unscrew
pack and palletize
glue, dose or weld
pick up and place
carry out quality control (with the help of vision systems)
proceed to industrial assembly
It is therefore a multifunctional advanced robots, particularly suitable for small and medium-sized industrial companies that need precision help or for the purpose of handling goods.